Donald Trump fires White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci just days into job -


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Monday 31 July 2017

Donald Trump fires White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci just days into job

It's the latest sign of turmoil within the White House and it comes just hours after the president tweeted that there was no "chaos" in his administration.
Anthony Scaramucci has resigned as US President Donald Trump's communications director just over a week after he was hired.Image result for donald trump
It's the latest sign of turmoil within the White House and it comes just hours after the president tweeted that there was no "chaos" in his administration.
Scaramucci, 53, reportedly offered his resignation to Trump's new chief of staff John Kelly on Monday morning, bringing an end to a brief reign that was filled with controversy.
The former Wall Street investment banker becomes the shortest-serving communications director in White House history, having been hired just 10 days ago.
His departure comes just days after he gave a sweary rant to a reporter in which he called former chief of staff Reince Priebus "a f***ing paranoid schizophrenic" and tore into Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the president felt that Scaramucci's comments to the reporter were "inappropriate".
She told reporters that Scaramucci and Kelly "came to a mutual agreement" over his departure, and would not reveal whether Trump had asked for Scaramucci's resignation.
Earlier, she had said in a statement: "Anthony Scaramucci will be leaving his role as White House communications director.
"Mr. Scaramucci felt it was best to give chief of staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team. We wish him all the best."
Just hours before Scaramucci's departure was announced, Trump wrote on Twitter: "Highest Stock Market EVER, best economic numbers in years, unemployment lowest in 17 years, wages raising, border secure, S.C.: No WH chaos!"
Scaramucci, nicknamed 'The Mooch', was named White House communications director on July 21, taking over from Sean Spicer, in the hope he could address the growing number of leaks from the White House.
He had not even officially started in his new role in Trump's administration. He was due to officially take over the position on August 15.
Scaramucci's reportedly offered his resignation at the request of Kelly, a retired US Marine Corps general who took over from Priebus on Monday and was brought in to bring discipline to the White House.
In a phone call to New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza last week, Scaramucci launched into a profanity-laden rant after details of a White House dinner were leaked.
Scaramucci accused Priebus with whom Scaramucci has a long-running feud, of trying to "c*** block" his appointment to Trump's inner circle.
He also made a vulgar remark about Bannon, saying he was not like the chief strategist because he was not trying to "suck his own c***".
Scaramucci threatened to sack his entire communications staff over leaks to the press and said he wanted to "kill all the leakers".
His appointment was fiercely opposed by several members of Trump’s most loyal staff and led to the resignation of Spicer, the former press secretary, and Priebus, the president’s first chief of staff.
While in the post, it was revealed Scaramucci was being divorced by his wife after she grew tired of his political ambitions reportedly being put before her needs.
Deidre Scaramucci separated some months ago from her husband and filed for divorce just two weeks before she gave birth to her son when she was eight months pregnant.
Scaramucci is the third White House communications director to leave the post that had been vacant since late May when Mike Dubke left after about three months on the job.
Spicer assumed some of the communications director role before he resigned when Scaramucci was hired.
Before Scaramucci, German-born American journalist Jack Koehler was the shortest-serving communications director.
In 1987, Koehler resigned after just 11 days under President Ronald Reagan after it emerged that he had been a member of a Nazi youth group when he was 10.

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