Boyo heaps the accolades on the director, Akin Omotosho, whom she said was responsible for the character played by Kate. “I think that that was mainly Akin (Omotosho), you know, thinking about the character, you wanted somebody that would have a great deal of empathy and I think, because of the subject matter, it seems to work better with a female police officer rather than a male because this is a missing child,” she began.
You needed somebody not that men can feel it. Of course, they can but you needed somebody to be, even more, to have a great deal more empathy with the mother. And sometimes you just think, Okay, this could work. You know, let's try a female police officer. In a lot of films, the focus is usually men, like a lot of the films I've seen police officers in Nigeria, focus it would be nice to see what a female police officer can do, how the audience would accept it, how she would translate that role,” Ego concluded.
The film already won three awards from two major festivals - AFRIFF and Urban World film festival - and Boyo believes the audience would appreciate the efforts of the crew and cast.