Five Things You Should Always Have In The Glove Compartment Box Of Your Car -


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Sunday, 12 August 2018

Five Things You Should Always Have In The Glove Compartment Box Of Your Car

Whether you’re making the daily commute to work, going a short distance to buy groceries or embarking on a lengthy road trip, there is a need for you to have a number of things in the glove compartment of your car.

In the course of conducting normal maintenance checks, you need to regularly checking your tyre pressure, monitoring the gas tank and ensuring your car is in great shape. The easiest way to be prepared for any eventuality is to keep your glove compartment box stocked with a number of essentials.
First Aid Kit
While you sure don’t want to use it, it is important to have a basic first aid kit in your car’s glove box. It could be something as simple as a few packs of bandages and some antibiotic ointment, but having a smaller version of a proper first aid kit handy saves you from having to check your boot in an emergency.
You can supplement the one in the glove compartment box with a full roadside emergency kit in your trunk, stocked with flashlights, and additional medical supplies.

Flashlight and Batteries
You never know when you will be stranded after dark, so always keep a flashlight in your car’s glove compartment box. Make sure the batteries are fresh, and add a few spare ones. Look for a flashlight that is bright enough to illuminate the engine compartment of your car.
The Car Manual
There are a lot of questions that your car manual can help you solve. How do you speed-up your car’s windshield wipers? What should you do if that check engine light comes on? How far can you travel after the dashboard registers you’re low on fuel?
If you’re yet to familiarize yourself with your car manual, it’s a good idea to flip through the next time you’re less busy. Afterwards, make sure the owner’s manual ends up back where it belongs—in the glove box for ready-reference the next time any problem that needs referencing arises.
Car Insurance and Registration Documents
You definitely don’t want to be stopped by law enforcement agents but when you do get stopped, you will need to show proof of automobile insurance coverage and proof that you own the car you are driving.
Your glove compartment box should be home to both your insurance cards and your vehicle registration information.
While you may be tempted to want to leave your papers at home, it is best to have at least a copy in your car at all time to prevent you from being stuck on the side of the road with a scowling officer as you dig for the files. Keeping a paper copy of your insurance card in the glove box will help you breathe-and drive-easier.
Spare Phone Charger
While smartphone batteries last longer than ever before, but that does not mean they can power your conversations or Google Maps indefinitely.
One of the major reasons to carry your phone with you is to summon help in an emergency, and you need to make sure your phone is available when you need it most. Always keep a spare charger in your glove box and test it regularly to make sure it is working properly.

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