Richy_writes : The Concept of Privilege. -

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Friday, 8 February 2019

Richy_writes : The Concept of Privilege.



Like the long, old adage says, "All fingers are not equal".
Some were born with silvers spoons, while others are born with wooden or no spoons.
We tend to judge people based on how much privilege they've got.

We use very large instances of people like Mark Zuckerberg, Steve jobs, Elon musk, John D. Rockefeller etc to judge and analyse the concept of wealth and success. Not knowing that there's an underlying factor known as PRIVILEGE.

Nigeria is a third world country, but despite that status, we still have men and women of very strong financial background.
That, is majorly individual privileges and not collective privilege.

Collective privileges are largely found in Nations like The U.k, United States, Russia, China. In these nations, success and progress is a reality.

Why? The environment is very conducive for everyone.

Talk about tech, Silicon Valley comes to mind.

Talk about entertainment and movies, Hollywood comes to mind.

Talk about banking and finance, Wall Street comes to mind.

All of this are evidence of the influence of Privilege in today's society.

Can you spot one or two privileges you have?

Kindly think about it, and please make sure you seek for ways to expand those privileges.

Because to whom much is given, much is expected. And the more you deliver, the more privilege you amass.

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