It was also claimed in one of the online reports that some girls are also being forced by the gunmen to urinate in cellophane bags.
The students and residents of Abraka are now calling on the vice-chancellor, state government and security agents to do something about the negative growing trend.

A student of the institution, Maradeam Osuji, took to Facebook earlier today to write; Please if you have any female in Delsu(Abraka) drop a prayer for her. A girl was forced to pull off her pant at gun point in Abraka. It’s no longer stealing of pants, it’s now “Your pant or Your life”…

PS: Elozino even in death you are still loved and forever will be. You have touched the hearts of so many who owe you a lifetime of gratitude. We are not saying goodbye forever but goodbye for now. I pray you find peace and rest wherever you are.

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